
Hello. Welcome. My name is Ankur Patel.

I want to ask you a few questions: Would you say that you are as happy as you could ever be? Do you feel accomplished? Could money solve all your problems? Is life too difficult?

There’s a lot to life we don’t understand.

In Overman, I try to encourage your self-realization: of your nature; your vulnerabilities; your strengths; and how the many of you, as a collective (people), have created the world we are in today. I try to open your eyes so wide, inwardly, that maybe, just maybe, life’s most challenging moments will have to first confront your wisdom.

I am not a guru nor a Buddhist monk. I am a curious intellectual in his mid-30s who is himself running the modern hamster wheel: making a living, paying a mortgage, caring for loved ones and trying to live a fulfilling life. I don’t have all the answers but I can find us the possibilities. What you will read here will draw lessons from psychology, philosophy, Buddhism and our modern culture to, at the very least, set you off on a path to asking more meaningful questions about your own life.

I hope you join me in this journey where we all attempt to become Friedrich Nietzsche’s Overman—those who have mastery over their emotions, who take joy in simply existing and who above all else, create for themselves.

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Lean into my self-realization learnings that I genuinely believe can put us on the trajectory to a fulfilled, joyful and understood life. Not just philosophy, but actionable ways for our modern times.


personal wellness | emotional mastery | life happiness